2009年7月28日 星期二

Frank's Testimony

I was born in an ordinary family. My father was a Christian, but he didn’t go to church very often. My mother has been to church before, but she never has prayed to receive Christ. Because my house was near church, I always went to Children's Sunday School when I was a young boy. I could eat candies and hear some interesting stories there. It was very fun to me.

I had been to Sunday school until I fourth grade. But it was not as fun anymore as I was getting older. Compared to church life, the world had so many cool things waiting for me. So I stopped going to church.

At the time I left church, I was very happy because I didn’t need to listen to those boring messages anymore. I could have time on Sunday to do anything I liked to do. But the happy time didn’t last forever. After I left church, my father decided to work in Mainland China. It was a huge shock for me. I suddenly lost my dependence on my parents. Because I was the oldest child in my house, I had to take care of my brother and watch out for my mother’s health. Every time my father came back from China, my mother quarreled with him about many things. There was no joy in my home anymore. I was very lonely and helpless.

One day, when I was 13 years-old and in Junior high school, there was a voice in my heart saying ‘Go back to the church.’ I was very hesitant about it because I hadn’t gone to church for several years. But somehow the voice in my heart kept urging me to go back.

So I did. And I was very surprised that there were still some people who remembered me. They didn’t blame me for leaving church . Since then, I began to notice that the God I knew from Sunday School when I was an elementary student, loves me so much. He never abandoned me even when I left church before. Instead, He pulled me back with his kind hands. I understood that God even sent his own son Jesus Christ to die on the cross just for love’s sake. In God‘s sight, I am his loving baby. I am his child forever, and He is my Father forever too. He gave me a new life! A life I had never had before, a life that would never be the same.

I began to learn how to please God and grow in his love step by step. The self-abased feeling caused by pride no longer troubles me. I am learning how to know myself better with a humble heart and how to accept my own inadequacy. The most important thing is, I am learning how to do things for others not just for myself. Reading the bible and praying to God has become my strenth to face all kinds of difficulties and frustration.

I know I will not feel lonely anymore, for there is a God who accompanies me.
I know I will not worry anymore, for there is a God who protects me.
I know I will not be scared anymore, for there is a God who is dependable.
I know I will not be afraid of death anymore, for there is a God who promises eternal life.
I know I will not be lost myself anymore, for there is a God who guides me.
I know my life will be filled with love, for there is a God who is love.
